
Hi. My name as given me by my mother is Clarike Clara Katrina de Groot. I took my late husbands name as Bowman and made my self Clarike Bowman. After he died and many years later I married Ed Jahn, making my name Clara Bowman-Jahn. Usually I shorten the Clara and am just Clar and keep my two last names.

The ‘ike’ after Clar is the diminutive of Clara in Dutch, which is the language of Holland where I was born. We emigrated from the Netherlands when I was seven, a long long time ago.

There was no ESL back then and when I arrived in America on Friday my mother thought all us kids should go to school on Monday. I didn’t even know how to ask where the bathroom was. And I was seven! I quickly learned English so I could get along with my classmates.

When my late husband died, I was a young widow at forty two with two sons. One was ten and the other was fourteen. We had a lot of readjusting to do. I was working as a neurosurgery nurse in a teaching hospital with an hour commute one way. After ten years there and several years in my second job in urgent care I started working closer to home in Home Health.I loved my job as a visiting nurse but had to leave it after back surgery.

All through this time of my late husbands illness and adjustment I kept journals. I’ve always hoped to make my journals a public writing where my life lessons could be helpful to others. Now that I’m blogging and taking writing classes I am getting ready to do just that.

While I love making my journals a public writing, I also enjoy writing children’s books in my spare time.

I belong to a writers group that meets every second and fourth Wednesday, Penn Writers, which is a like minded community of writers and I am also a member of SCBWI.

I have one published children’s picture book, Annie’s Special Day, about clocks and time. It is about a little girl who celebrates her birthday with an adventure every hour. It is out in both E Book and print from http://www.etreasurespublishing.com/ and out on Amazon and Kindle, as well. I’ve heard reports that it is out in Nook,  too, but for a whole lot more money. I had nothing to do with that. I hope you enjoy my blog and will leave comments, telling me a little about you.

42 Responses to About

  1. Farnoosh says:

    Hi Clar, great story and very sincere and open. Thank you for creating this space and for sharing the Einstein quotes on your recent blog posts. Still thinking about that one :)!


  2. lukeraftl says:

    Hi Clar!

    Thanks for visiting my blog, I will be sure to follow yours 🙂

    Your story is inspirational. It seems your writing has been very therapeutic for you in recent years, and I agree that your work can be helpful not just for yourself but for others as well. Keep it up, I’m glad I found your site!



  3. Clar –

    This is lovely. I have a penchant for all things European (I lived in France for 12 years and am married to a Franco-Italian man I met there. My oldest son was also born there. We still speak French at home, and my husband had to hit the ground running in rudimentary English at the age of 42 when we moved here ten years ago!)

    I also have a penchant for *being real,* that is, affronting life’s many ups and downs head on, which believe me I can relate to, growing from them and sharing the wisdom with others. Sounds like you have a lot of realness and wisdom to share.

    All my best,



    • clarbojahn says:

      Thank you for visiting. Sounds like you have a two nationality family. Bilingual is no easy trip. My parents spoke Dutch for ever at home and then together after we all left home. I miss it now. Luckily I have a sister I’m very close to and we’ll get on the phone for hours and reminisce about the good old days.


  4. Clar, Thank so much for bringing into my attention the realities of the internet world. I wasn’t thinking in that direction until you made realized the potential dangers it may cause to my son against the children predators. You’re like a guardian angel to both me and my son. I’m grateful for the genuine concern . Not a lot of people will do that for a stranger. I read your about and that you had 2 sons. They are very lucky to have you. I also read that you are a nurse and it’s an honor to meet a blogger having the same profession as myself. I work in the E.D. for the past 8 years . I think nursing is one of the most noble and giving profession out there. To help someone heal themselves is a gift, and it takes a lot of heart and patience to do such a thing. Once again, thank you.


    • clarbojahn says:

      You are very welcome, Island Traveler. I am so glad you took my concern the right way and I appreciate your comment.
      Hospital nursing is one career that changes almost constantly and one has to be on their toes to keep up. I admire you for working in the E.D. Things there can be either very fast or very slow. I miss my team as a neurosurgery nurse but get together regularly with some of them for lunch.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting.


  5. Hi, Clar. After your comment on Uphill Writing, I realized that I have not been getting updates from my subscription to your site. I resubscribed (and didn’t get an error message), so either I didn’t do it right the first time, or it broke somewhere along the line. (I’m hoping I just goofed up). In any event, I am not subscribed and will get notified wen you post.


  6. clarbojahn says:

    That’s great! although I didn’t get a message saying you were subscribed. Doesn’t WordPress usually tell you when there’s a new subscriber? Welcome back.


  7. Hi there Clar,

    I just wanted to say a big thank you for leaving such a wonderful comment on my Vibewire story “Where fairies come to die.” I just happened to look at it the other day and spotted the new comment, and your kind words really made my day. I look forward to reading your blog further 🙂


  8. Hi! I love your blog. It’s really great looking. It’s easy to read (I think that’s important) & uncluttered (another thing that’s important! I tried to follow you but didn’t see a place so I signed up to get the blog updates.


    • clarbojahn says:

      Thanks, Deb for all your great words. They mean a lot. 🙂
      I’m glad you found a way to follow me. There are two ways to do that right now. One is to click the follow button on the top left of the screen and the other is through clicking the subscribe button on the right sidebar above my photo image. I’m honored to have you aboard.


  9. Pingback: A Thousand Thanks « Write Up My Life

  10. Julie says:


    Just wanted to let you know I’d love to have you along for The Artist’s Way. Did you get the book? I’m about to start Week 2, so it’s still early days. Let me know. 🙂


    • clarbojahn says:

      I left a comment on your about page. Yes, I am getting the book. I think doing the morning pages is the most important part of it. I am doing them and can catch up when the book arrives. Also do the Artists Dates. I won’t be able to do that this week due to my own diagnostic operation and my husbands surgery but starting next week I’ll be doing them. Let me know how best to support you in your endeavors.


  11. Thanks for sharing interesting and helpful information.Want to let you know that I’ve switched my blog to http://www.paulinajaramillo.com. In case you haven’t been following since the move, I just jposted a blog titled “16 Tips to Help You Get through the Holidays While Grieving.” and another titled “Solomon’s Lost Kingdom.” Pls visit when you get a minute and leave me a note. Blessings, Paulina


    • clarbojahn says:

      My late husband died December 21,1991, leaving me with a ten and fourteen year old. We had Black Christmases ever after. I would not even have celebrated if not for the kids. Because I was a nurse I had to work every other Christmas and that made my husband’s death anniversary even harder. I thank God for my sister in law, who had us over for the holiday meals. I will be forever grateful to her for doing that. I will never be able to repay her.
      I went to your web site and found several helpful ways for newly grieving people to celebrate the holidays. I know how discordant they can be. Thanks for posting. People experiencing loss need help. Holidays are added stress and when grieving they are even worse.
      There are many paths to God. You don’t have to share the same beliefs to celebrate. Just be you. I think that is the most valuable thing you can say. Listen to yourself. If you need time alone, take it. Give yourself permission to grieve and feel your loss. You don’t have to feel jolly.


  12. Darlene says:

    So wonderful to meet an amazing woman like you. The strength and endurance of women never ceases to amaze me. I love your story of attending school with no English at all. That is the stuff that makes us strong. Glad to have met you through the blogging world.


  13. Clarike Bowman-Jahn:

    How special that you found your way to my blog by way of Karen Elliott’s blog. I encourage you to begin publishing your journal entries. I also left a reply to your comment on my blog following my January 16, 1962 diary entry. My email is barbara.mcdowell.whitt@gmail.com. I will wait to hear from you.


  14. clarbojahn says:

    Thank you for leaving me a comment here. So glad we could connect. I also emailed you. Thanks for the address. I look forward to hearing from you. I wrote about why I’m not working on my memoir with journal entries. In addition to marketing my children’s book, “Annie’s Special Day” it just seemed like I was being pulled into too many places at once. There are other reasons and I told you about them so will wait to hear from you.


  15. Linda Hoye says:

    I’m here from Kathy Pooler’s blog. This is a great site you have here; you are an inspiration. I look forward to stopping by often and also learning more about Annie’s Special Day.



    • clarbojahn says:

      Thanks, Linda. You are so kind to say so.
      I may post about “Annie’s Special Day” soon and catch everyone up on it. It is taking so much longer than it was supposed to. There have been some printing delays.
      Thanks for visiting and commenting. 🙂


  16. Margot Finke says:

    Clar, great to hear more about you. Your life would make a fascinating novel, mate – so many sad moments, and a great career in nursing. Thank you so much for sharing.

    BOOKS for Kids – Manuscript Critiques


  17. clarbojahn says:

    Thanks, Margot.
    One of the things I’m working on is a memoir. Entering old journal entries into the computer daily.
    I appreciate the encouragement. 🙂


  18. Margot Finke says:

    Sounds like a wonderful idea, Clar. Go for it, mate.

    BOOKS for Kids – Manuscript Critiques


  19. I enjoyed reading “About You”, Clar. Keep writing.


  20. I always have to take a break. Either life throws me a curve ball or I’m too pooped.
    Looking forward to reading more of your work.
    Have a wonderful week.


    • clarbojahn says:

      Thanks, Tracy for the nice word. You too have a nice a break. Mine is still going on till Sept 7th. Two more months. I’m just starting to feel the relaxation of it. AAhh, feels good! 🙂


      • I’m clicking the table trying to think of something witty to make you smile. Hmm…I know. Yesterday, I spent the day at the beach baking. Today, I’m redder than a lobster. Enjoy your summer.


  21. Pingback: And the winner is…Awards and a Giveaway « Positive Parental Participation

  22. Hi Clar…just wanted to let you know that I’ve passed along several blog awards to you: http://viviankirkfield.wordpress.com/2012/07/07/and-the-winner-is-awards-and-a-giveaway/
    Enjoy your time off…happy summer!


    • clarbojahn says:

      Thanks, Vivian. That is most wonderful and I am honored to receive them. It will make coming back on Sept 7th a joy to announce the awards and I think I’ll probably have a significant amount of followers by then to announce so a give away is in order.

      MY book went to print several days ago finally. I can’t wait to hold it in my hand! Lol.


  23. Pingback: To Do or Not to Do and Die | Clarbojahn's Blog

  24. marianbeaman says:

    Clar, you are the first to comment on Kathy Pooler’s website today. Now I read your bio and learned about your amazing journey as a writer via Dutch ancestry (I’m Pennsylvania Deutsch!) and your experiences as a young widow. Your recent post on fairy tales got my attention. Fairy tales entranced me as a child–still do! I must check on your children’s book about time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • clarbojahn says:

      Welcome, Marian!

      Thanks for your comment and for checking out my children’s book “Annie’s Special Day”. My second picture book is coming out this spring and is called, “Edmund Pickle Chin, a Donkey Rescue Story.” It is a true story. I hope to include it here in ‘about’ soon.

      I, too, loved fairy tales as a child. and loved this book “Iron John.” I hope you find a copy and read it for you will like it, too. 🙂


  25. Pingback: You Reap What You Sow or How Writing Has Influenced Me Postively | Clarbojahn's Blog

  26. Roberta says:

    This has made my day. I wish all posntigs were this good.


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