Clarbojahn Presents! Author/ Photographer Sandra Stein Part Two!

Hi Friends!


Last week we learned that memoir writer Sandra Stein penned and    published two picture books, Leafster and Water Tower Ravens. Last week in  Part one we learned about  Sandra’s memoir  Sincerely Wrong and what she learned from writing it. We learned her inspiration for Ravens on Water Tower and how she ended up writing it and her next picture book called Leafster is coming up next. Also we will learn a little more about how she came to write inspirational literature after being involved in numerology.


We will just pick up from where we left off giving her bio at the end.

Leafster Front Cover5- CBJ.> What gave you the inspiration for Leafster? and why did you give the insect that name?

S.S.>Again, this wasn’t a planned book.  I was just taking pictures at a family gathering by my daughter’s pool when this katydid showed up that my six-year-old great-grandson became enthralled with.  He named it Leafster because it looked like a leaf. It was only later, when I was looking at the pictures, that the idea of a book came to me.


6- CBJ.>What made you turn to writing after being involved in numerology?        

Sincerely Wrong by Sandra Stein

Sincerely Wrong by Sandra Stein

S.S.>  It was not something I had planned to do, and not something I can answer in just a few words, but it came about  as the result of a challenge my pastor gave us one Lent season.  At the time of the challenge, my past involvement with numerology and the occult was weighing heavy on my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking of how I had bought into a lie that I so sincerely believed was the truth, and about the people I had led astray, persuading them to buy into that lie as well. Remorse and regret led to a strong sense that I needed to bare my past in the form of a memoir,  with the hope and prayer that it might serve as a tool, in the hands of the Lord, to lead at least one other misguided soul out of the darkness and into the light. If anyone is interested in a more expanded answer, I invite them to read my blog post–

7- CBJ.>  What can we expect from you next ?

S.S.> I do have one more children’s book in the works, and there will probably be more to follow, but first I’d like to take a break and focus on updating my inspirational blog. There are several posts I’d like to write that were put on the back burner while I was busy writing the Water Tower Ravens and Leafster books. One thing I would like to add, is that I never dreamed I would some day be writing children’s books, and that I feel my experience is a good example of how life can take a totally different and unexpected turn no matter what age you are.  May it encourage your blog readers (who need such encouragement), to never lose hope, because it’s never too late.

8- CBJ.> Why did you self publish and what was your journey to self publishing?

S.S.> I write for fun and to encourage others—not because of any aspirations to become a bestseller, so I really wasn’t interested in the lengthy process of trying to find a publisher. Thanks to modern technology, self publishing is so much faster and easier, and through a venue like Amazon, you can even do it for free.

And the fun part!! The Give Away! 🙂

The book of your choice goes to the lucky winner of the person who comments and follows this blog. The lucky winner would have a double chance if tweets about This post and Sandra Stein and another chance of winning if this post gets on their Facebook page. So there could be three extra chances to win. It works by me putting your name in the hat one,two or three times in the hat depending on what you tell me about how you promoted this post and Sandra Stein. You are on your scouts honor.( But I might check you out on Facebook or twitter if I have time.  🙂 ) Here they all are for you to look over…

Leafster Front Cover

It is Written by Sandra Stein

It is Written by Sandra Stein

The Water Tower Ravens by Sandra Stein

The Water Tower Ravens by Sandra Stein



Sandra Stein, Author

Sandra Stein, Author








Sincerely Wrong by Sandra Stein

Sincerely Wrong by Sandra Stein















Sandra’s bio:

SANDRA KOVACS STEIN was born in Calcutta, India; grew up in the Dominican Republic; went to school in Canada, where she planned to settle; but fell in love with an American, and wound up moving to Queens, New York, after they married. Nobody knew about the desperate need to feel significant she had grown up with, and that had stayed with her throughout her marriage. After her husband’s untimely death, she went on a search for roots and purpose, which she thought she had found in New Age and occult doctrines. Her need was finally fulfilled when by the age of 39, she became a published numerologist, enjoying the novelty of being sought out for her expertise. That path has long since been abandoned, but memories still linger of how her vulnerability led her to believe in a lie that she persuaded others to buy into as well. “Sincerely Wrong”; published in 2011, is a testimony of the improbable journey that led her from the occult to Christianity at a time when she was convinced she had all the answers, and was no longer seeking. Mrs. Stein now lives in Purcellville, Virginia, not far from her daughter, four of her grandchildren, and her two great-grandsons. She works from home cyber commuting, is active in community and church, and is an avid photographer who enjoys taking pictures of nature and wildlife.  Her career as a writer for children was launched when a pair of ravens built a nest near the top of a water tower across from her balcony in early spring 2013.  They became her main subjects for months to follow, and the inspiration for her first picture book, The Water Tower Ravens.You can visit Stein at her inspirational blog,;

at her photo blog,;

or communicate with her by e-mail at

About ClaraBowmanJahn

Journal writer. Author of "Annie's Special Day" And coauthor of Edmund Pickle Chin, A Donkey Rescue Story." Proud mother and grandmother of wonderful kids. Wife of brilliant husband. Servant of two cats. Member of Pennwriters and SCBWI.
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7 Responses to Clarbojahn Presents! Author/ Photographer Sandra Stein Part Two!

  1. Well, what a fascinating lady! And a fascinating tale! And a fine interview Ms BJ!! Thanks for sharing!


  2. clarbojahn says:

    Thanks, Rhythm! I was lucky to meet such a fascinating author!


  3. Felicia says:

    Oooo! giveaway 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. clarbojahn says:

    Yes, and now you’re in the drawing! 🙂


  5. This is really cool! 😀


  6. Pingback: The Winner of Sandra Stein’s Books! | Clarbojahn's Blog

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