Clarbojahn Presents…Vikki Thompson from the “View Outside”

Hi Readers,

MY Friend Vikki

My Friend Vikki

How has your weekend gone. Can you believe here’s another Tuesday? They come around fast don’t they? It’s a known fact that time goes faster the older we get. Sad isn’t it? All I can say to comfort you is grab your coffee and chocolate donut and read away. Here is a comforting post about the writing journey of a blogging buddy of mine. I met Vikki way back in the winter. She said she would like to feature me after my book, “Annie’s Special Day” was out. Neither one of us knew at that time that it would be summer. Then it was any day. Now finally we decided to go ahead and swap no matter what. Well Annie is an E Book and here we go. Here is Vikki’s post and if you would like to read about me go to her site and enjoy mine.

 Clar: How did you know you wanted to be a writer?

Vikki:  I didn’t really, well, not until the age of 42! Lol. I went along to some creative writing classes with a friend, to keep her company. But i ended up loving it lol. Then someone suggested i try Nanowrimo, and by the end of 2010 i had 65,000 words of a novel lol. No one was more shocked than i was, and now, writing has become a huge part of my life.

 Clar:  What genre do you write in?

Vikki:  I don’t have a specific genre, which is a problem. I love reading character driven stories and true to life dramas. I’m not sure exactly what genre they would come under, Contemporary Fiction perhaps? I tend to write the kind of stuff I’d like to read. I can’t stand rags to riches stories, give me riches to rags and how the characters cope with that any day 😉

 Clar: Do you have a writing schedule?

Vikki: I have tried, i really have, but i can’t seem to stick to one. I get up in the morning with all these good intentions, but nothing, ever goes according to plan lol

Clar: What’s the best writing environment for you – where you write?

Vikki: Where i write at the moment isn’t the best writing environment for me, in fact, i HATE where i write, which is probably why i can’t stick to a schedule lol. Ideally i want a small room (or even a corner) where i can have a desk, a bookcase (to store all my writing notebooks and writing text books) and some inspiring art on the walls. I’d also like a view. OOOOOOO, if i had that i would get so much done! lol. As it is, i currently use my dining room table, and all my books are piled up at one end, i work at the other. Not ideal, but, maybe one day eh 😉 I do have to have peace and quiet. I can’t listen to music or anything.

Clar: When do you write?

Vikki: I find I’m at my best first thing in the morning. Some days I’m up at 5am, and that’s a perfect time to write. It’s so peaceful…just me and the birds 🙂

Clar: Who inspires you?

Vikki: There are a lot of bloggers who inspire me, but, just recently; it would have to be Elizabeth Haynes. Elizabeth is a member of my writing group, and is so helpful and encouraging to the “hoping to be published” writers. 

Clar: If you were to be compared to another author, whose work would yours most resemble?

Vikki:  Ooooo, now that’s a hard one! lol. I know a lot of agents ask this question, so its good practice to get into comparing yourself. I’d have to say a cross between Anne Tyler and Maeve Binchy lol

Clar:  Tell us about your current WIP?

Vikki: At the moment I’m working on Nano novel number 1 from 2010. I have 65,000 words that need editing, and I’m hoping to get it done by November as i already have a plan in mind for Nano novel number 3 lol. It’s the story about a woman who has a great life, but then her husband commits suicide. She then finds that she has to confront issues from the past, including an old flame, and has to make some tough choices about her future. I loved writing it, but i still need to put the ending in. I can’t make up my mind as to whether the villain becomes the hero by the end, or still remains the villain. This writing malarkey is hard

Vikki’s workspace

work isn’t it 🙂

Vikki xx
Thanks so much Vikki, it has been a pleasure swapping posts with you. I love your answers and learned so much about you and your writing process. I never get tired of hearing about other’s writing journeys.

Readers please tell me your writing process in the comments. I just love hearing about them and would so love to know yours. If you are not a writer just tell me if you like hearing about them.

About ClaraBowmanJahn

Journal writer. Author of "Annie's Special Day" And coauthor of Edmund Pickle Chin, A Donkey Rescue Story." Proud mother and grandmother of wonderful kids. Wife of brilliant husband. Servant of two cats. Member of Pennwriters and SCBWI.
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11 Responses to Clarbojahn Presents…Vikki Thompson from the “View Outside”

  1. Thanks for having me as a guest Clar, it’s been fun! 🙂



  2. Vicki, you’re so right–“This writing malarkey is hard!” Loved your interview and I especially love your storyline for your third Nano novel! Thanks so much!


  3. Catherine Johnson says:

    That was fun and what an exciting story. I’d love to read that Thanks Clar.


  4. Great interview ladies. Enjoyed it very much. We all share so much in common when it comes to writing. This business is hard. But the friendships and community soften and support us.


  5. This writing malarkey is hard indeed – you said it! 🙂 but the amazing community of writers makes it wonderful too. Thanks for a great interview, Clar and Vikki, and good luck finishing that novel 🙂


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