#PPBF/Muti’s Necklace

Hi Friends!

Not to be stopped by a little thing like tired butt in chair I  pronounce our Perfect Picture Book Friday today as “Muti’s Necklace, the oldest Story in the world.” I have been sitting in this chair for four hours working on my memoir but   I won’t let that stop me from my fav Friday things! Perfect Picture Book Friday! 🙂 *YaY!* 

Muti's Necklace book coverTitle: Muti’s Necklace, The Oldest Story in the World

Author/ Illustrator: Louise Hawes/ Rebecca Guay

Publisher info: 2006 by Houghtonmifflinbook/ rewritten from old Egyptian Papyrus with fictional ending

Ages appropriate for: from  preschool to age seven though I think older kids will also enjoy this

Summary from Jacket: Muti treasures the necklace her father gave her so much she risks the wrath of Egypt’s Pharaoh when it falls into the water. Based on an ancient Egyptian story.

Themes: Egypt, history, love, father and daughter relationship

First Three Sentences: “Thousands of years ago, before there was an alphabet or pencils or paper to write stories on, there was a daughter of Egypt whose family loved her very much. When she was born, her father carved her a necklace made of turquoise, blue as a dragonfly’s wing, and carnelian,  red as the inside of a  pomegranate.

The girl’s name was Muti, and she wore her splendid necklace everywhere.”

Links to resources: For a thorough look at every aspect of this story here is a pdf that says it all,http://www.claycarmichael.com/documents/Mutisnecklacestudyguide.pdf

“Cooperate with others in your class to build the

pyramids! You’ll need a tray, some sand, some

stay-soft modeling clay and some paints:

Fill the tray with a half inch of sand. Make three

pyramids out of clay. (If the clay is not white, you’ll

need to paint them white.) Set the pyramids in the

sand. Model and paint some camels and some

workers to build the pyramids. Model and paint

some palm trees and put them in the sand, too.

Find a small, round mirror and bury it in the sand to

serve as a pond or lake. Make a boat for the lake. “


Why I love it: The Author had rewritten it from papyrus so it really is one of the oldest stories known to man. She had given our heroine an ending suitable for modern times. I loved the courage she showed. Like *YaY! Girl Power!* in early Egyptian days. The illustrator was magnificent with the bluest of blue and striking bold primary colors. This was a book to read more than once. To turn down the life of an empress for the simple life of  her family and her father’s love. – that is life’s ultimate answer.

Here is my gift for my writer friends!

Some of you remember my speaking engagements at elementary schools last year about time and clocks and doing readings of my picture book “Annie’s Special Day.” I even had a speaking engagement this summer at Shenandoah University Children’s Literature Conference!! (Put in site) ***

So when I read Vivian’s Post on the Fear of Public Speaking, I really related to it.


and one more for good measure

And my special interview by Val Muller


And for more picture book fun, as my friend Stacy Jensen says:


To find more PPBF books, visit Susanna Leonard Hill’s blog

See you next Tuesday!! We are going to meet one of the authors from my writer group who also writes children’s stories. I’ll tell you what and why and how next Tuesday.

As my friend Penny Klostermann says:


Oh! And while you’re checking things out, head on over to Susanna Leonard Hill’s place and check out all the fantastic Perfect Picture Book Selections! Each book is reviewed by a picture book -lovin’ reviewer, AND includes activities to go along with the book. You will find a handy list right HERE.

And I agree with her!




I can’t let you go without looking at this wonderful logo Margot Finke made me.

You can purchase my books on Amazon , For Edmund, click here:


For Annie, Click here:


My Picture Books in logo by Margot Finke

My Picture Books in logo by Margot Finke


About ClaraBowmanJahn

Journal writer. Author of "Annie's Special Day" And coauthor of Edmund Pickle Chin, A Donkey Rescue Story." Proud mother and grandmother of wonderful kids. Wife of brilliant husband. Servant of two cats. Member of Pennwriters and SCBWI.
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19 Responses to #PPBF/Muti’s Necklace

  1. Joanna says:

    We had a copy of this in our international school library and I always read it when a class was doing a unit on Egypt.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. clarbojahn says:

    That is really cool, Joanna! 🙂


  3. Haven’t seen or heard of this book, and I love books/stories about ancient Egypt, so it grabs my interest. Thanks for sharing this as I will check it out.

    Liked by 1 person

    • clarbojahn says:

      I Love stories about ancient Egypt as well and that is what appealed to me when I drew this from the library shelf. I think you will like this one. Do you go to the library, Pat?


  4. Now this is a fascinating book! I have never heard of a picture book translated from ancient papyrus. You have found an interesting selection and I hope to find a copy.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Joanne Sher says:

    This one definitely sounds fascinating. Thanks so much for sharing it!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Darlene says:

    I love books based on historic tales. Children will lap this one up. What a find!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Carrie Finison says:

    Fascinating! I love the fact that it comes from an ancient papyrus.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This is an interesting book. And, proof that you can find a story idea in lots of places … great idea for the author to write this one.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I can’t believe I haven’t read this story. Because (as my kids would point out) I was “probably around when it was written on papyrus…


  10. What an interesting story. I think my little one would love it (big mummy/ Egypt fan). Thanks Clar!


  11. I like that cover! And the story sounds pretty great too! Thanks Ms BJ!


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