Notebooks and Journals Part One

Hi Friends!

Which ones of you have journals or notebooks?

There are many types of journals or notebooks and different people keep journals or notebooks in different ways. I have kept what I have conveniently called my journals for over fifty years. I remember starting with keeping quotes from authors whose books I admired when I was fifteen years old. It soon morphed into a journal or diary of venting at my brother when I was angry and then into rough drafts of letters I would later send. Now over the past forty or so years I have put everything in there

Notebook from Flickr's Inha Leex Hale

Notebook from Flickr’s Inha Leex Hale

from grocery lists to to-do lists to summarizing a week’s events. I have picture book ideas and drafts; I have email address; summaries of worries and feelings; and everything in-between.

This summer I was perusing an author’s blog when she invited teachers to write for the summer. I came across one of her blog posts on writer’s notebooks. Notebooks she always has with her. I, too, have another smaller notebook that fits in my purse that I pull out when I want to save an idea or take notes at a lecture. This is what I use for my writer’s notebook, where I put ideas soon forgotten if not written down.

From Kate Messengers blog  , I found this one called “crayons and pencils,” written by Ms. Michelle Haseltine, a sixth grade teacher for her students. I loved reading it. I think teachers are next to angels in the hierarchy of the world. Here is where you can find her blog.

And from there it went. I was lost in notebook heaven. Kate’s blog post had over 400 comments to read. All the comments were about one of my favorite subjects, notebooks and journals. So you can bet I read them.  

And it here it comes: My shameless self-promotion tip: I got submitted into an anthology called THE “I” WORD by Kate Gould with my 100 word memoir on how I started journaling and what it meant to me. It had to do with how my journal was key in writing my first picture book. Here is that link 

It’s $4.99 for your Kindle or free to prime members to borrow. Since I’m the fine owner of a Kindle Fire now, I can buy it and did so. *Yay!*

Once you see the entries from authors of where they get their inspiration for writing you will see that my entry is exactly what that. “One reaps what one sows.” And my writing led to more writing. As I jotted down ideas for this blog post I ran into that very real hazard and had to break this post up into two parts and therefore you will see more on this topic next week.

How many of you journal or have writers notebooks?  How long have you been writing in your notebooks? Do you have a way of keeping a table of contents or is it all a jumble?

©Clara Bowman-Jahn or aka Clarike Bowman-Jahn

About ClaraBowmanJahn

Journal writer. Author of "Annie's Special Day" And coauthor of Edmund Pickle Chin, A Donkey Rescue Story." Proud mother and grandmother of wonderful kids. Wife of brilliant husband. Servant of two cats. Member of Pennwriters and SCBWI.
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24 Responses to Notebooks and Journals Part One

  1. Your journals must be quite a chronicle of your life, Clar! It makes me wish I’d do better at that kind of journaling. I have notebooks full of ideas, but the only time I ever reliably kept a journal was from when I found out I was going to have my first child until my last one was about 5.


    • clarbojahn says:

      Oh, those must be a treasure trove of fun and kid sayings and doings. I on the other hand had little time for journaling in those years because of being a nurse in a hospital then. However I did do a little. As you know from my about page some day I hope to make a public writing from those times. Good for you for keeping an up to date journal from those baby years. 🙂


  2. My iPad is my journal, notepad, memory bank, idea generator, etc. I don’t leave home without it! I would love to hold and use a beautiful journal, but I know I would forget it just at the moment I would need to use it. Having everything in one place on my iPad has simplified my life and helped this aging mind!


    • clarbojahn says:

      Hi Jarm,

      Your iPad sounds wonderful. I have a kindle fire but I don’t think it holds documents like word or something. I will just keep my spiral notebooks. They do the trick for me. 🙂


  3. Congratulations for being included in he anthology of “I” journals. Kate Messenger’s blog is a very creative idea.

    I have written so many different types of journals over the years. The ones I write now are spiritual journals. But, I’ve kept dream journals, gratitude and personal journals. My journal of writing is notes and lists. I’ve even done sacred burnings of personal journals when I felt it was time to release the past so I could move forward in my life.


    • Meant to say that I liked Jarm’s idea of putting them on her iPad. I had stacks of journals, that took up space in boxes in closets etc. If I were to do more personal journals, I would choose that method. And, at some point if I wanted to delete them, it would be easier.


      • clarbojahn says:

        It is true my journals take up space. Two filing cabinets full. I guess I hold out the hope I’ll use them some day to make a creative non fiction piece or something. 🙂


        • I live my life in the present. Yes, it is important to deal with hard times, and a journal is cathartic and a great way to heal. My earliest journals dealt with childhood issues, and I reached a point where I knew it was time to let go, forgive and move forward in my life. It allowed me to say yes to a new chapter in my life. I remember as I tossed the last journal into the embers on New Years Eve, I sobbed. I am so glad I did. It feels great to let go of baggage. I understand why people want to hold to journals for memoirs, but it wasn’t my interest at the time. The journals I keep are my spiritual journals, my insights, gratitude and grace I’ve observed/experienced. I may include my thoughts on the insanity I observe in the world. It’s a very different journal. Hope that explains it a bit.


          • clarbojahn says:

            This is all wonderful information and I hope I may communicate some of this on this topic of Part Two. Many people share your feelings. And I thoroughly understand them. Thanks so much for sharing so openly here, Patricia. I greatly appreciate it. 🙂


    • clarbojahn says:

      Hi Patricia,

      I wish mine would be more of a spiritual journal but it morfs into an hold everything kind. I understand when you tell me about the different kinds though.

      I wonder if it helped burn old memories when you added a ritual to it. I have thought of doing this with some of the more grief ones from when my late husband died. But I don’t know if I never wanted to go back there again once more to revisit it. Do you feel like that? Burning so you can’t revisit it again?


  4. Hi Clar,
    I don’t have a diary, but I do have notebooks and my tablet that I use for keeping tracking of my life. If I didn’t, I’d be lost as to what comes next. My good friend, Linda Anderson, just wrote a post about diaries this week. You might be interested in the link. It appears great minds think a like. 🙂


    • clarbojahn says:

      Thanks for the link, Tracy, I will definitely check it out as it is one of my favorite things.

      Seems like the tablet keeps a lot of people on track. I have three calenders to keep my different appointments in. Yes, THREE! lol.

      Thanks for your comment. 🙂


  5. I have a journal. And notebooks. My last journal entry was about… *let me check* …January 20th 2013, with “Jojo’s B-Day tomorrow” written. I write in my notebooks all the time. It’s where I put my first draft of book reviews. 🙂


  6. Im currently scribbling in Writing Notebook number 43 and i have about another 30 “journals” but i dont number those. Ive started indexing, giving each notebook page numbers so that in the future i can hopefully find something. But im beginning to realise that i’ll have to index the indexes lol



    • clarbojahn says:

      Hi Vikki!

      I find if I at least put little sticky notes on the top indicating what is in the pages below that I can find a subject easily by the tag on top or rather the sticky note on top. And I also date each notebook with the start and end date of each journal.

      I hope that helps! Might be easier than numbering and indexing the indexes. lol.

      Thanks so much for commenting.


  7. Darlene says:

    I have been journaling for years. It is a habit started by my mother. When I travel I have a special journal. I refer back to those journals when I write my stories.


    • clarbojahn says:

      That is great, Darlene. I don’t have separate journals. Everything goes into the same one. Even notes from classes.

      This seems to work for me. Good that you have those journals to go back to to write your stories. That way they are so much more authentic. 🙂


  8. Pingback: Notebooks or Journals Part Two | Clarbojahn's Blog

  9. Pingback: The Book Of Me, Written By You – Prompt 6 | Tales Of Happy

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