Phyllis’s World Tour in Northern Virginia

OK. I cheated. I got Phyllis from the library instead of waiting for her to arrive by Limo. And I got her April Fools Day. April Fool! But I had to wait first. There were two people ahead of me on the wait list for her so when the call came on April fools day I went right away to pick her up. She is so popular.The first thing she did when I picked her up was give me a weather report. It was sunny with a brisk wind and sixty degrees she said.

With Phyllis and her ability to be in more than one place at the same time we took her out of the library so she would be here in time for Eater and our grandson, Liam’s visit.

Phyllis not making a mountain out of a mole hill

Phyllis didn’t want to make a mountain out of a mole hill so she laughed and went on a hike with us grandparents.Showing Phyllis the Red Bud

Phyllis loved Red Bud Alley and here she is looking right at the Red Bud trees.

Phyllis just loved stirring up the algae in our pond with Liam

Phyllis loved stirring up the algae with Liam in our pond. It was better than the hike she said. The weather was a balmy sixty degrees and sunny she reported. Liam kept her very busy, taking her to the pond to feed the fish and play with algea was only one of the things she did while visiting.

Phyllis loved the Easter Egg Hunt, but thought the egg throw was the best. She got a little hysterical when she missed her egg and it broke all over her.Phyllis gave Jonah the giggles at the Easter Egg Hunt

Phyllis gave Jonah the giggles at the Easter Egg Hunt.

After a quiet recoup she was ready to feed the baby goats.Phyllis and Liam feeding the baby goat.

I mean Phyllis knows all about treasure hunts so the Easter Egg Hunt was nothing new. In fact she had three of them. One at Lincoln Elementary, one at Aunt Helen’s because Cousin Hunter didn’t get to the first one in time and one at the church. Her favorite one was church because of getting pretzels and popcorn in the eggs and she could eat all that at once.

Feeding the baby goats was a lime light event. Seeing the goats again at the petting zoo was fun but not as much fun as feeding the babies at Aunt Helen’s.

Liam introducing Phyllis to a grown deer at the petting zoo

Liam introducing Phyllis to a grown deer at the petting zoo.

Saying good bye to the youngest member at the easter egg hunt at Lincoln

Saying goodbye to the youngest member at the Easter Egg Hunt at Lincoln Elementary School. Good bye!

Please check out Phyllis’s favorite page at Susanna Leonard Hill’s blog. 

About ClaraBowmanJahn

Journal writer. Author of "Annie's Special Day" And coauthor of Edmund Pickle Chin, A Donkey Rescue Story." Proud mother and grandmother of wonderful kids. Wife of brilliant husband. Servant of two cats. Member of Pennwriters and SCBWI.
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31 Responses to Phyllis’s World Tour in Northern Virginia

  1. Oh, lucky Phyllis! Three Easter egg hunts, playing in the pond (how did you know she loved stirring algae with a stick?!) meeting deer and feeding baby goats, as well as reading with Liam and giving Jonah the giggles! What fun! i can tell she had a totally amazing time with you, Clar! Thank you so much for having her!!!!


    • clarbojahn says:

      OH! You’re quite welcome, Susanna, it was our pleasure. Another thing she and Liam did was read some of the other entries of her World Tour. She loved hearing about herself and her adventures so far. She did have a blast here, though. 🙂


  2. Joanna says:

    Why am I not surprised that Phyllis is a good giggle-provoker? It looks like Liam and she had such fun at the pond. I love how she always manages to meet up with other animals. She is pretty friendly, huh? Great visit, Clar!


    • clarbojahn says:

      That’s true although I hadn’t thought of that. Of how she meets up with other animals like she does. She is just an animal magnet, I guess. Yes she is very friendly and likes to be the center of attention. 🙂


  3. Catherine Johnson says:



  4. Jarm Del Boccio says:

    I’m glad Phyllis was not eaten by the goats…I hear they eat everything in sight. Good report, Clar!



  5. Goats DO eat everything in sight-I can tell you from personal experience! Enjoyed my time with Phyllis and love your blog!


    • clarbojahn says:

      Thanks, Sandra.
      Goats do eat everything. One reason we didn’t have them when the boys were small. We had all kinds of foul and rabbits but no goats. These babies belong to my brother and his wife. She has a talent for them. 🙂


  6. Darlene says:

    You were very lucky to get a visit from Phyllis and it looks like Liam enjoyed the visit as well! You did some fun things for sure.


  7. It looks like Phyllis had a EGGstra special time with you! 😉


  8. Clar, you sure showed Phyllis a wonderful time. I’m glad you got to share both April Fools’ and Easter fun with her.


  9. What a great visit to Virginia. Susanna isn’t gong to be able to live with Phyllis when she gets home. She’s been treated like royalty everywhere.


    • clarbojahn says:

      LOL, Patricia. Yes, she has been so spoiled with excitement and activities that she isn’t going to be happy just sitting around. And we know that’s all Susanna does. ha ha.


  10. Stacy S. Jensen says:

    Sounds like Phyllis had a lovely time (well, maybe not the missed egg). We checked her out of our library and read her on April 1, of course.


    • clarbojahn says:

      OH! Same as me. Are you going to blog about it? or join the tour? You can cheat you know. (or maybe not, but I did) I’ll get the book from the limo and sign it and then send it back to Susanna if there’s no one else on the list. 🙂


  11. Sounds as though you had a great time with Phyllis — isn’t she fun? Great to read about all that Liam and Phyllis got up to!


    • clarbojahn says:

      Yes, She’s a blast. Fantastic fun. Liam and her got into it together. He wants me to buy a copy of April Fool Phyllis for his birthday which I will certainly do. 🙂


  12. Fun times! I would’ve liked to feed those baby goats. Phyllis is the luckiest groundhog ever!


  13. I want to hear more about the egg toss, how is that played? Love the molehill. Wish my Aunt Helen had a baby goat too! Thanks Clar!


    • clarbojahn says:

      There are two lines standing a yard apart from each other and after each toss a raw egg at each other to catch they take a giant step further apart each time stepping farther apart they catch the egg. Liam and his aunt Leslie played till the egg broke. All over Leslie. They had hoped it would take a while before breaking but it was after only four throws.

      They had fun. All through the visit. 🙂


  14. So glad you had such a nice time with Phyllis!


  15. Margot Finke says:

    Such a cool way to introduce Phillis. She’s a really fun. Lucky you.

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