Won: The Kreatif and Sunshine Awards

Sunshine Award

Thanks Darlene!

You Are My Sunshine. My only sunshine.

You make me happy. When skies are grey.

You’ll never know, dear, How much I love you.

Please don’t take my sunshine away.

~ Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell. Copyright 1940

This is how Darlene Foster started out her blog for this award and I want to steal it. After all she was the one who gave it to me. I often sang this song to my boys when going to school to start the day off right. So imagine how happy I was to receive the Sunshine award from my blogging buddy Darlene Foster.   She has written two books taking place in Italy and is writing her third. She blogs about her travels and her own special view about the world. I hope you check her out. She blogs over at Darlene Foster’s blog.

Kreative Award

Thanks Diane!

Diane Stoy, an aspiring writer going strong on her novel gave me the Kreatif Award and I really must get to know her better. Among the things she said about herself was that on the way home from Australia and already on the plane she found out she was  on the wrong  plane to Japan.  Ooohhh so scary! She blogs over at the Patient Dreamer.

Of course, the Sunshine Award and the Kreatif Award have some rules:

  • Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog
  • Answer 10 questions about yourself
  • Nominate 10-12 other fabulous bloggers
  • Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated
  • Share the love and link the person who nominated you.


Favorite color::  Green

Favorite animal: Deer

Favorite number:  7

Favorite non-alcoholic drink:  Zero coke  It just quenches my thirst so well and I just love the taste.[no I’m not getting paid to say this]

Prefer Facebook or Twitter? Both evenly but I only have time for them about once a week

My passion:  Helping other writers get started in the writer life.

Prefer getting or giving presents: I love giving presents that I have thought about. I love giving things that will be treasured.

Favorite pattern:  flowers

Favorite day of the week:  Saturday because there are usually not any appointments or things we have to do. We can usually do what we want to.

Favorite flower: Hyathins because they signify spring has definitely come.


I hereby pass forward these  Awards to people who have commented on my blog recently.  If you have won these awards before it is because you are so deserving of it.  They are all worth checking out! I look forward to your answers.













I hope all of you will stop in and say hello to these fine bloggers.

About ClaraBowmanJahn

Journal writer. Author of "Annie's Special Day" And coauthor of Edmund Pickle Chin, A Donkey Rescue Story." Proud mother and grandmother of wonderful kids. Wife of brilliant husband. Servant of two cats. Member of Pennwriters and SCBWI.
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39 Responses to Won: The Kreatif and Sunshine Awards

  1. Congratulations on your awards, Clar! They are well-deserved 🙂 Thank you so much for passing them on to me – I really appreciate it! They are so pretty 🙂 I love that song, too. Sometimes I sing it to my dog… “you are my brown dog, my only brown dog…” 🙂


  2. suzicate says:

    Hyacinths are lovely; I just wish they lasted longer.


  3. Thank you for spreading some sunshine this morning, Clar. Incidentally I sing Sunshine to both my boys every night.


  4. Congratulations Clar. I sang that song to my daughter when she was growing up and I used it as her nickname “sunshine.” Thank you for the awards.


  5. Oh my, Clar…thank you so very much. You are spreading the sunshine this morning, for sure. Congratulations on winning the awards…you definitely deserve them. 🙂
    I’m thrilled to be in the company of the others to whom you passed the awards…I’ll try to post about it tonight when I get home from work.
    My daughter sang “You Are My Sunshine” to her son every night when he was a little baby…as I did to her when she was small.


    • clarbojahn says:

      There are so many commenters with similar stories. We all seem to have fond memories of that song. I am sure your daughter remembers it fondly since she is making a tradition of it. How especially nice. 🙂


  6. Congrads on your awards!! Thank you so much for honoring me, Clar! That song is one I have sung to our kids for years. Love it! 🙂 YOU are my sunshine today, Clar! *waving and smiling*


  7. Congratulations on the awards! I used to sing that song to my daughters too =D


  8. Morgan Shamy says:

    Ohhhhh… This is TOO dear! I love your passion answer and I’ve always loved Hyacinths! Ever since I was a little girl 😉 Thanks SO much or the shout out… Totally made my morning. You have a fabulous blog and I’m so glad to be connected. 😀


  9. Widdershins says:

    Well deserved!


  10. Oh My! LOL … You definiately need to get to know me better Clar….lol my surname is Tulloch…lol. (dianestoy, is part of my email address but not really my name) , so funny.
    So pleased you like the awards and awesome to hear who you have passed them on to. Will catch up with you soon.


  11. Congratulations on your awards and also congratulations to all the recipients you passed them on to!


  12. Thanks Clar. I agree with your thoughts on Saturday. As my kiddo grows up, I’m sure my Saturdays will be more full.


    • clarbojahn says:

      Yep. Soon it’ll be off to soccer and baseball or track or football. Or band or all of them.
      Enjoy your Saturdays now, Stacy. It wasn’t so long ago that I would work on the weekend and take my boys around when I got off or did car pools. We also had five or more kids spend most weekends with us overnight when I was off. Kind of to reciprocate for when I worked and my kids were over there. That turned out long. whew!
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. 🙂


  13. Congratulations, and THANK YOU, Clar! I am honored. 🙂


  14. Joanna says:

    Thank you so much for these awards, Clar and congrats to yours 🙂 I just love the word SUNSHINE!!


  15. Congratulations on your awards! I agree Saturday is a GREAT day!! I hope you have a great day today! 🙂


  16. Pingback: The Lorax and the Leprechaun « Catherine Johnson

  17. Darlene says:

    Thanks for the mention Clar and I am happy that you used the song again. Look at all the comments about it! Obviously the song has been a family favourite for many generations. These awards are a great way to share the sunshine and make new friends.


  18. You have inspired me to think about songs in my life and blog about it next. I normally write for children – picture books and novels but I also blog about Life story writing so I shall write about song . I love classical music and learned early in life that my father sang to me.
    I also love gardening and now Spring has come early to our part of Southern Ontario so the garden is amass with daffodils and narcissi.


  19. Pingback: Sunshine Award – Can you be sunny? Enter to win! | Jennifer M Eaton

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