Surprising Book Result

Hi Readers

Campaigner Challenges 2011_alt._book coverRemember the Challenges from the Author Platform Campaign that started last August? Sometimes my stats show someone lurking at what I wrote way back then. So some of you are interested in reading those stories.  And something quite nice came of those challenges. Yes, the surprising result ~ a book! The stories were compiled into a book! Neat, huh?

I recently ordered that book called “Campaigner Challenges 2011” collected by Rachael Harrie and Katharina Gerlach, and looked my own stories up from among all the other great ones. In this book are the 176 flash stories that were submitted. The book is divided in three sections, First Campaigner Challenge, Second Campaigner Challenge and Third Campaigner Challenge. The winners are to the front of each section. There is an e-book too but I have really enjoyed rereading all the stories in this print version.

I had not been aware of how brilliant some of the stories are. And that there is one story that won and didn’t follow all the rules. Goes to show… Yes, remember how all the stories had rules to follow in writing them? There were new and made up words and certain phrases to include. They were challenges all right. And fun!

Since I don’t have a lot of published credits to my name, it’s good to hold this book ( I bought two) in my hands and re-read my stories here and see my name in print. It made me relive the joy of receiving a gift card to Wal-Mart for a recipe published in my electric co-ops news letter. I had long ago forgotten about that. The one other published item I can boast of is an essay that got published in a newsletter. So as you can see, it’s good to have this anthology.

I don’t have a *buy* button on my blog but if you’re interested in purchasing a copy of the “Campaign Challenges 2011” all the proceeds go to a charity for Harry Museley for brain tumor research. As of this date I know of 85,000 GBP that has been raised for cancer research in his name. So I’ll say thank you to all of you who made writing these stories so much fun and especially to Rachael Harrie and Katharina Gerlach for the vision to compile them into an anthology for cancer research.

One of the awesome stories that was a winner was by Candy Lynn Fit,  called “Dead All Over.”

The other two winners of the first campaigner challenges were “The Girl You Like” by K. Hughes,, and “Sweet Revenge” by Jocelyn Rish at None was picked for the second challenge and the winning entry for the third campaigner challenge was called “Spell Fire” by Barbara Evers at

My stories were not winners. But as you can see, I’m proud of them any way. *Yay*! The first Campaigner Challenge was a children’s story. The second a rant about how hard the challenges were and  the third a creative nonfiction story were all written within the guidelines given.

I’m going by way of many of my blogging friends and taking a break from the blogosphere for the holidays. My grandchild is coming for all of next week and  I still have much of the getting ready to do. We are going to be busy with all the usual fun of Christmas with family, food and church festivities so I’ll see you in the new year. Merry Christmas to all of you! And a Happy New Year!

About ClaraBowmanJahn

Journal writer. Author of "Annie's Special Day" And coauthor of Edmund Pickle Chin, A Donkey Rescue Story." Proud mother and grandmother of wonderful kids. Wife of brilliant husband. Servant of two cats. Member of Pennwriters and SCBWI.
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10 Responses to Surprising Book Result

  1. Thanks for sharing the links of the winners – I don’t remember if I read those entries at the time, so it will be fun to go see the ones that were considered best. Did all the stories get put in, or just ones where people gave permission? Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your grandchild!!! See you in the New Year 🙂


  2. Congratulations on having your stories in print!


  3. Am so glad that you enjoyed reading the entries again. At the time of the challenge, it was hard to take it all in and I wasn’t sure I saw every entry. Thanks for including the links as a reminder.
    Merry Christmas!


  4. clickerbug says:

    I can’t locate my copy at the moment, but I don’t quite understand what you’re saying about the winners. They were not listed at the front of each section, but were instead sprinkled throughout the sections, listed in bold type in the TOC.


  5. clickerbug says:

    @Susanna, only the people who gave permission got in.


  6. Congratulations about being part of the book. I read lots of fun stories during the challenges. Have a wonderful time with your family!


  7. clickerbug says:

    Clarbojahn, forgive me for this, but it appears you perhaps misunderstood who the winners are. The ones you listed were not the official winners. I would like to list the winners here:

    1st place –
    2nd place –
    3rd place –

    SECOND CAMPAIGN CHALLENGE WINNERS (based on reader “likes”)
    1st place –
    2nd place –
    3rd place – (no public link)

    1st place –
    2nd place –
    3rd place –


  8. Widdershins says:

    Congratulations Ms Published Author!


  9. krpooler says:

    Clar,you are a winner! Your stories are now preserved in this published anthology and you showed us your persistence in participating in this contest right until the end. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. It just proves that there is more than one way to get published these days. Congratulations!


  10. Justin Mazza says:

    Hi Clar,
    That’s great that your stories are in the book and I will definitely check it out. Kudos on taking a break for the Holidays, I may do the same. 🙂

    Take care…


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