The Writer’s Platform Building Crusade

campaigner's badgeI’ve just joined a group of authors setting up their platform, their net presence. I started blogging with this in mind so this is a good thing.  If any of you wish to do it there is still time. The campaign group closes tomorrow August 31, 2011. Rachel Harrie will apparently start another one in February so if you miss this one you can join the next. They are very popular.  I tried to join one of the Linky groups for picture books and there were two other groups with over twenty-five people in them. I will try to go their blogs and support them by commenting, tweeting  them and following them on linked in. That is my commitment since joining. Also I am supporting this campaign by blogging about it and linking the image of the badge on my blog. In addition to the above I’ll be blogging about three challenges about three weeks apart.

It ends October 31, 2011, so I’ll be busy. Hope to see you around.

Is the link for those of you interested. I’m still learning how to link a blog post to my blog so this web site will have to do. If you’d like to  teach my how to hyperlink I’d love to take your suggestions in the comments.

About ClaraBowmanJahn

Journal writer. Author of "Annie's Special Day" And coauthor of Edmund Pickle Chin, A Donkey Rescue Story." Proud mother and grandmother of wonderful kids. Wife of brilliant husband. Servant of two cats. Member of Pennwriters and SCBWI.
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45 Responses to The Writer’s Platform Building Crusade

  1. Stacy S. Jensen says:

    I made it through the first PB group and have randomly been following folks tweeting about the campaign. I’m already excited to have found some PB and memoir blogs to follow. Fun. See you around on the campaign.


    • Clar says:

      Wow! when did you join? I”ve just got the chores done and looked for a new TV, bought a camera instead and now have only a few minutes before leaving for my bookclub. You work fast. Yes, I hope to see you around. 🙂


  2. Susanna says:

    Hi Clar – I am a fellow campaigner and picture book writer here to say hi and follow. I enjoyed reading about your name! I am also of Dutch lineage (though not so close as yours!) and two of my picture books are available in Dutch – Een broertje of een zusje Roos? which was translated from the English Not Yet, Rose, and Beer Is Zo Moe! which was published in the Netherlands in May straight off in Dutch! Looking forward to getting to know you through the campaign!


  3. Widdershins says:

    What a great idea!


  4. Patricia Tilton says:

    Thank you for the pingback. Just spent a while looking at your blog and the variety of subjects you cover. Enjoyed your posts and made commented on one. Almost added to your bear story. Where do you live? I don’t see bears, just deer. Anyway, I’m looking forward to the contact with you in the coming weeks.



    • clarbojahn says:

      Thank you, Patricia. I’ll look forward to seeing more of you, too. I live in Loudoun County VA. I’m in the country, more rural part. I usually feel very blessed by this but it has its draw backs. 🙂


  5. Abby Fowers says:

    Hi! I am a campaigner too! This is my first time with the campaign but I am so excited about it. I already love all the new friends I am making! Glad you’re on board 🙂


  6. Hi Clar, I am a new campaigner too… I have two picture books and a YA in progress at the moment.
    Hope to see you around and get to know you during the campaign.


  7. Hi Clar
    Thanks for dropping by my blog. Great to know more about you. Hope you are fending off the bears!


  8. clickerbug says:

    Hi there! I’ve written a bitty blog post with instructions on how to add a hyperlink to your blog. Hope it helps. 🙂

    nuts n bolts. (adding a link to a wordpress entry)


    • clarbojahn says:

      Thanks clickerbug, My network blogger friend, Nancy Hatch, has also tried to teach me how to link up things. I have a fair grasp of how to do links back to my posts but not other stuff. So your mini blog post was welcome. 🙂 I appreciate it a lot. Are you a fellow campaigner?


    • clarbojahn says:

      Thanks Clickerbug! I appreciate it. 🙂 I knew how to link my posts but not other stuff. This really helps.


  9. Dafeenah says:

    Thanks for stopping by!! I’m in the process of writing my memoir so I’ve been trying to meet others to see exactly how to do things and what makes it a “memoir” as opposed to a biography or something. The campaign seemed agreat way of meeting people easily so I signed up!! Do you still live in Holland? or do you live in the US now? I’ve always thought Holland was so beautiful in the pictures I’ve seen on the net.


  10. Hi there! Another campaigner here, not sure which group we’re in together, I just know I’m not in the picture book group!
    Can’t wait to get to know you better!


  11. Hi, Clar.

    I’m a fellow writer of memoir and CNF (with a novel on the side) who, hopefully, will be participating in the campaign. (Pending approval as I just found out about it/applied last night).

    I look forward to reading your blog and will zoom right over to your post on memoir.


  12. Glad to know there are fellow Virginians! God truly blessed us with a move here! I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you on the Campaign Trail! ; )


  13. Hey there! Fellow YA group member here…just stopping in to say hi 🙂


  14. N.Scott says:

    Fellow Short Story writer and Platform Campaigner here to say hi. Looking forward to what lies ahead.



  15. Hi fellow campaigner! I’m in your YA group. Looking forward to reading more!


  16. mish says:

    Hi there Clar ! I’m a fellow campaigner and we’re placed in the same short stories group ! Nice to meet you . I’m really looking forward to the campaign and getting the opportunity to meet other bloggers/writers . Let the fun begin !


  17. Hi there, Clar! Just popping in to say hello to a fellow campaigner!


  18. Tia Bach says:

    Stopping by to say, Hi! I’m in your YA All Genres group, and I look forward to connecting.


    • clarbojahn says:

      Stopped by to say hi on your blog, too. Also joined the blog hop but since wordpress won’t put up the list I’ll just stop at your blog and fly from there till I get your link up the old way. then hoppers will just have to click twice. Kinda defeats the purpose doesn’t it.


      • Tia Bach says:

        I’ve been so many places on social media tonight, I think I’m losing it. I’m confused… what do you mean joined the blog hop? Am I missing a step?


        • clarbojahn says:

          You’re part of the blog hop. 🙂 you have a list on the bottom of your post. If one could they could click on the name and be transported to another blog. Right? Well I can’t do that unless I go back to your blog. Which I will. So that’s what I mean. 🙂


    • Tia Bach says:

      That blog hop is for my ROW 80 challenge, although a lot of them are campaigning. Sorry for my confusion. 😉 Too many things going on around me.


    • Tia Bach says:

      I am overly ambitious these days and am just completely A Round of Words in 80 Days Challenge. It’s my first writing challenge, and I’ve loved it. It’s a great way to focus on your WIP and get bi-weekly encouragement.

      The next one starts first of October. Here’s a link to find out more:


  19. Jocelyn Rish says:

    Hey Clar, I’m in your YA campaign group. I loved the story of how you name evolved, and it sounds so fun all run together.


    • clarbojahn says:

      Thanks, Jocelyn. I love the sound of your name. Flows off my tongue.
      Thanks for stopping by. I liked your intro to your blog about words. So true. That’s a good reason to write. 🙂


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